If you are new to compression tooling, then this blog is for you!
This is an introduction to compression tooling. We will cover the basics of compression tooling and the advantages of the method so that you can determine whether or not it is right for you.
What is a compression tool?
Let's start by explaining what a compression tool is and what it is used for. If you think about combining an up-cut spiral and a down-cut spiral, then you've got a Compression Cutter. Simply put, the lower part is the up-cut, and the upper part is the down cut.
This means the chips are pushed towards the middle of the cutter, which dramatically reduces chipping on both the material's top and bottom faces. So, if you were to use compression to cut entirely through a sheet of plywood, you would have cleaner edges on both sides.
What are the advantages?
- Using a compression tool can help to prevent delaminating.
- Cleaner cutting.
- You can use them for long production runs with minimal defects.
- If you have compression with a small up-cut (mortice), you can also use the same tool to produce shallow cutouts and pockets.
- Compression tools can be re-sharpened several times, which makes them extremely cost-effective.
- There is a wide range of compression tools available with different diameters, length of cuts, up-cuts, and shanks to choose from.
What materials can compression tools be used on?
Compression tools can be used on most board materials but are most effective on wood veneer; melamine faced sheets, plywood and some composites.
Always opt for quality over price…
You may well have noticed some compression tools available for a fraction of the cost of others. However, just like most things in life, the price will reflect the quality of these products.
If I can give you one big piece of advice when selecting tooling for your CNC machine, ALWAYS choose quality tools. This will pay dividends in the long run.
Look for high specification tools
High specification tools are designed and engineered to give you optimal performance; they are made from high-quality carbide, which is designed to last. This manufacturing process increase clearance, maximise precision geometry and provide razor-sharp cutting edges.
Ready to shop all things compression tooling? Shop our extensive range on our website.
Want to know more about compression tooling?
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